Wonderful World

Bringing the AR sandbox to a different level.

"Wonderful World" is a multiplayer game installation - players have to fill up the dark, digital world with beautiful nature. This is done by capturing floating nature fragments with the shadow of your hand and collecting them in small sand pits. As the projection of the nature changes to the topography of the sand, every nature landscape the players reveal is completely different and can also be terraformed by the players once the whole table is filled up.

The game brings haptical augmented reality gameplay to the next level: Ultra fast interaction feedback, intuitive controls and great visuals make this sandbox game a magical experience that thousands of players enjoyed at events all over europe.


  • Ars Electronica 2019 - Linz, Austria

  • Goldener Spatz 2019 - Gera, Germany

  • Medienfestival 2018 - Dresden, Germany

  • Fantoche 2018 - Baden, Switzerland

  • Gamescom 2018 - Cologne, Germany

  • FMX Conference 2018 - Stuttgart, Germany

This installation was developed in a four month project phase during our studies at
